Mobile Scoring is still a pilot so it does not contain all the features we'd like to see yet.  As a result you will need to fill in the gaps.  

At Global Finals all score sheets and notes are collected and secured overnight to avoid any of this information reaching the wrong parties. The mobile client will give you access to your scores after hours.  As a result we need to ask you to be hyper vigilant with the mobile device you are using.

  • if you can limit access to your device using a login screen, please use this feature when you are not using it during competition.
  • exit the mobile app after submitting your last scores of the day.  You can do this by deleting the browser window.  If you are not sure how to do this ask someone else such as the ATO, HA or a fellow appraiser.
  • avoid loaning the device to someone else
  • if the device is missing, report it to your HA and ATO

This is new technology and with that comes some risks.  What if we find an undiscovered bug? What if the WiFi goes down?  What if our database server crashes?  The Scoring Team has thought through many scenarios and believe we have backup plans for each.  For example, the app you are using to enter scores can store them for the balance of the tournament until it is able to reconnect with the database server.  Now if the app never reconnects, we still need to acquire your scores.  As an appraiser, you will need to help us out.  Here is how we see that happening:

  • you will be issued a full complement of score sheets
    These score sheets will be useful in the following ways:
    • they are a good place to make notes while observing the team
    • they are a good place to note Team Choice Elements (app is not doing that at present)
    • they are the place to note the reason for a subjective scores of zero (app is not doing that at present)
    • if you find you cannot continue mobile scoring, you have paper to use
  • if you are having trouble submitting scores, let your ATO know promptly
  • we want to be able to get your scores if the system fails
    There are a few ways we can ensure this.
    • Once you successfully submit, the database server has your scores.
    • Once your ATO has printed out scores for the team, we have a printed copy of your scores.
    • As this happens typically before you start scoring the next team, you may need to remember your scores for the last couple of teams.  You could do this using notes or going back into the app and transcribing unsubmitted scores to paper.

We think you will enjoy mobiles scoring.  It avoids many of the issues we have with score sheets such as scoring an incorrect item or not being able to read your handwriting.  You even get a bit of a graphical view of your scores with the sliders.  Your ATO and the Score Room always need to know the source for your scores (mobile client vs paper).  Based on feedback so far, you will all being doing mobile scoring.  Therefore any scores on score sheets will be ignored. If for any reason you need to shift back to paper, your ATO needs to know this.

Taking Notes: We are planning to supply notes sheets where appraisers can take notes.  This is typically used for potential awards and for ensuring consistency in subjective scoring.  As this takes time to do, you might consider that the mobile app holds your scores.  The notes sheet could be used as an index to go back to other teams when needed.

Here are some other thoughts that we will call Mobile Scoring Etiquette.

  • Using mobile devices during a team performance or during the interview of the team should be strongly discouraged.  Appraisers concentrating on a mobile device can easily be construed as not paying attention to the kids.  We strongly suggest leaving your mobile devices face down at the table where you normally score.  This would also apply to an HA monitoring scores on a tablet or laptop.
  • Be aware that people might see you scoring or reviewing scores
    Mobile devices are often not flat on table.  This can make your scores more visible to people walking nearby.