Tournament Officials need to make decisions on how to run each 2022 tournament.  This purpose of this topic is to describe the key choices and the impact of the choices.

Key Choices

  • Team Forms: online or not
  • Mobile Scoring: yes or no

Online Forms:

The Resource Area supports teams entering the traditional paper team forms online.  These forms include:

  • Tournament Data Form for the specific Team Challenges
  • Expense Report
  • Information traditional answered in Prep (called the Prep Checklist)

DIHQ is moving away from paper forms. For 2022 teams are expected to fill out these forms in the Resource Area. A tournament can then decide if appraisers and officials access this information in the Resource Area or the team needs to print copies to bring to the tournament.

  • if your tournament requires online forms, your teams are:
    • directed to fill out the forms via the Resource Area
    • not directed to print out copies as appraisers will access these forms online
    • you can also optionally declare a Prep Pre-check date when teams can submit their Prep Checklist to be reviewed prior to the tournament for feedback
  • if your tournament is not using online forms, your teams are:
    • directed to fill out the forms via the Resource Area
    • then print out copies of these forms to bring to the tournament

Traditionally, a team brings their forms to Prep where they are reviewed by Prep Area Appraisers. If issues are found, the team has some limited time to fix issues.  Prep Pre-check moves this review to a number of days before the tournament. The earlier review gives the team more time to adjust their solution in an environment where they can make changes more easily.

Mobile Scoring:

If a tournament chooses to use Mobile Scoring, appraisers use mobile devices to enter their scores. These scores are transferred to the DI Scoring Program rather than the traditional entry of scores from score sheets.  The merits of Mobile Scoring include:

  • no issue with legibility of scores
  • never having scores out of range
  • never having appraisers missing scores or scoring the wrong items
  • much quicker turnaround for getting teams raw scores
  • fewer score room volunteers

For Mobile Scoring to work, the tournament site typical uses a site provided WiFi to connect appraiser's mobile devices to DIHQ's web infrastructure.  Gaining access to a tournament site's WiFi can be an major stumbling block for some sites.

Mobile Scoring has been expanded over the last few years to include more that just appraiser scores.  It now includes:

  • delivering team forms to the appraisers mobile device (Mobile Scoring requires Online Forms)
  • handling Special Awards
  • communicating challenge specific information from Prep to the Appraisers such as Improv unknowns
  • online sticky notes