Prepare Teams
The Collect red tab adds teams to a TFC tournament.
The page lists all the teams initially with their level and the session when they bought their team number. When you select a tournament (upper right) of page, a few columns are added to the table:
- status indicates if the team is a participant in the selected tournament
- use
icon in add to add a team as a participant
- use
icon to remove the team as a participant
Once you've collected the teams, they need to be assigned to rooms. This is purpose of the Room red tab.
- select the tournament to add / update rooms
- the table displayed shows for each level
- how many rooms exist for that level (current rooms)
- now many teams are in each room (assigned teams)
- how many rooms are ready to be scored (ready teams)
The first action is to create rooms for the teams. The number of rooms for a level is dependent on the number teams the appraiser team for the room can prep and score in the allotted time period. Given the number of teams participating in the TFC, often 1 room for each level is adequate.
After creating the rooms, assign the teams to rooms. Only teams where we know their level can be assigned.
You can return to this page at a later time to assign remaining teams when we know their level.
A team needs to be assigned to a room for the team to proceed further (such as starting on their online prep form). This is mainly because being in a room dictates who will prep the team.
The 3rd step in the progression is the Submissions red tab where we control the team's online prep form.
For teams that are participating for the first time at this tournament, they have to fill-out their online prep form. For teams that participated in an earlier tournament we potentially need to set their prep status to submitted so they cannot change their solution.
The Submission red tab list all the teams participating in the tournament. It also lists their prep status for the prior tournaments and the current tournament. Prep forms are tied to a tournament. To make the prior prep form available at this tournament, click the icon in the prior tournament action column. This will copy their prep form and set it to submitted. You are free to reset the prep status to something else if you decide that they did not submit at the prior tournament. Do this as you would change the prep status as you would normally for any team at the tournament.