Setting up a Team Film Challenge (TFC) tournament requires understanding its schedule.  The Program Directors have a detailed schedule for each event.  Several of these dates are important to the Resource Area.

  1. challenge release date
    This is set using Admin=>track team film challenge; Misc Actions tab.  You need to set the challenge release date when creating the tournament.
  2. submission deadline for teams
  3. appraising of the solutions starts
  4. appeal deadline
  5. tournament date

  • Teams have between steps 1 and 2 to solve the challenge and submit their solution.
  • Prep starts reviewing team submissions the day following the submission deadline. This can include dialog with the team to improve information they submitted (much like Prep Pre-check for an in-person tournament).
  • Appraisers start appraising the team at time #3 and should be done in advance of #4.
  • #5 is the date the results are released (closing ceremonies).

Admin=>track team film challenge; Misc Actions has a tournament drop down.  If a tournament is not defined for a session/tournament, enter Challenge Release Date and click Create Tournament to create the tournament. You can then edit the tournament to set the remaining dates above.  This done by clicking Edit Timeline from the Edit Tournament page.  As the Team Film Challenge has a few unique properties that are not editable from Edit Tournament, you need to use Create Tournament on Admin=>track team film challenge; Misc Actions to get these set.

Setup Notes:

  • setting up the Team Film Challenge dates can be a bit challenging
    An approach that works is:
    • set the challenge release date (Admin=>track team film challenge; Misc Actions)
      There is no interface to change this date at present.  If the date needs editing either delete the tournament to start over or contact Steve.
    • on the same page click the Create Tournament button
    • once the tournament exists, click the Edit Tournament button
      • start with the tournament date and work backwards in time.
  • the Team Film Challenge uses Pacific Time (fall uses PST, spring uses PDT)

Once a TFC tournament has been created, the next step is to prepare the teams for the tournament.